Test instance: https://uat.findpet.com/v3

Use your secret Test API key for testing and Live API key for production.

Table of content:


Validation errors (for any request)

If data is coming in the wrong format or if any required field is missing then the action will not be completed and you will receive a 422 error with a body message in the following format:

    "detail": [
            "loc": [
            "msg": "field required",
            "type": "value_error.missing"

1. For all requests, please use a secret token, which we will send to you directly

2. Add a pet to our platform

IMPORTANT: Please always use report_type: in_shelter

POST: /api/report


    "token": "",
    **"report_type": "in_shelter",** // "in_shelter" - pets in the shelter (only this report type can be transferred later to other users, "Lost" - if the organization wants to report a lost pet, "Found" - if the organization wants to report a found pet
    "photos": [ 
        // Array with links on external storage. Maximum 8 files per pet, maximum filesize - no more than 10 Mb
        // Formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .heic
    "videos": [], // Field is disabled at this moment
				          // Array with links on external storage. Maximum 3 files per pet, maximum filesize - no more than 100 Mb
					        // Formats: .avi, .mp4, .mov, .ogg, m4v
    "adt_markings": [], // Field is disabled at this moment
        // Array with links on external storage. Maximum 8 files per pet, maximum filesize - no more than 10 Mb
        // Formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .heic
    "breeds": [ // Please check breed dictionary. Please add at least one breed here
    "colors": [ // Please check color dictionary.
    "address": {
        "full": "Las Vegas, NV, USA", // Address line, City, State, Country
        "addressline_1": "Address line 1",
        "addressline_2": "Address line 2",
	      "city": "Las Vegas",
        "county": "Clark County",
        "state": "NV",
        "country": "US",
				"postal_code": zip_code,
    "location": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
            -115.1391009, // longitude
            36.171563 // latitude
    "org_id": "...", // Findpet Organization ID of the organization 
    "pet_name": "test pet name", //max. 255 characters
    "pet_org_id": "A1233321" // Internal ID for the organization
    "pet_type": "Cat",
    "report_type": "in_shelter", // Please check 'report_type' dictionary
    "contact_name": "...", // Name or full name
    "email": "...",
    "phone": "...", // In e164 format
    "sms_alerts": "...", // Mobile phone number used for SMS alerts. Strictly in e164 format.
    "microchip_id": "...",
    "event_date": "...", // Datetime of pet's registration
    "date_of_birth": datetime, // Datetime of pet's birthday
    "age": "Baby", // Please check 'ages' dictionary //provide only if Date of birth (DOB) is unknown
    "size": "Small", // Please check 'sizes' dictionary
    "gender": "Male", // Please check 'genders' dictionary
    "coat_type": "Smooth",// Please check 'coat_types' dictionary
    "coat_length": "Short", // Please check 'lengths' dictionary
    "description": "text comment", //max. 10,000 characters
    "show_phone": 0 // 0 - hide contact details, 1 - if the user wants to display contact phone number publicly

Required fields: